5 club 66661 records

5 club solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
50 catches Felix Juggler2017-11-26
10 catches Austin2016-12-05
5 catches Rob van Heijst2014-05-04
5 catches PipJim2015-04-13
5 catches Heydar2016-10-31

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
50 catches Felix Juggler2017-11-26Qualified
10 catches Austin2016-12-05Tried to go back to pttern, but dropped shortly after.
5 catches Heydar2016-10-31back to pattern
5 catches Austin2016-08-05From cascade. Tried to go back to pattern but failed. On doubles, all handles.
5 catches PipJim2015-04-13back to cascade qualify
5 catches Rob van Heijst2014-05-04