6 ball fountain with a club balanced on the head records

6 ball solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
30 catches peterbone2015-06-17
27 catches PipJim2016-05-09
18 catches Heydar2018-04-11
16 catches christhejuggler2014-08-27
16 catches James Hennigan2017-12-26
6 catches Rob van Heijst2013-04-02
6 catches Esther2014-06-16
6 catches Tom W2015-02-27
6 catches Brook Roberts2016-01-21
6 catches Oscar Lindberg2016-02-21
6 catches Austin2016-05-31

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
18 catches Heydar2018-04-11clean
16 catches James Hennigan2017-12-26Twice in a row.
14 catches James Hennigan2017-12-2512 & 14 immediately after.
10 catches James Hennigan2017-04-17Watch video 10 minutes after sync.
6 catches James Hennigan2017-04-167th attempt.
16 catches Heydar2017-02-09clean
14 catches Heydar2017-02-02clean
6 catches Austin2016-05-31Clean, kept balance.
27 catches PipJim2016-05-09clean
6 catches Oscar Lindberg2016-02-21
12 catches Heydar2016-02-15clean, kept balance
10 catches Heydar2016-02-03clean
26 catches PipJim2016-01-27Time to start working on this seriously
6 catches Brook Roberts2016-01-21Clean
30 catches peterbone2015-06-17Club on nose
8 catches Heydar2015-05-31clean
6 catches Tom W2015-02-27
23 catches PipJim2015-02-04
18 catches PipJim2015-02-01
16 catches christhejuggler2014-08-27
6 catches Esther2014-06-16
6 catches Heydar2013-09-10clean
21 catches peterbone2013-08-28clean finish
6 catches Rob van Heijst2013-04-02