3 club Alberts records

3 club solo records
All records


RecordWho byDate
250 catches christhejuggler2013-10-05
52 catches Brook Roberts2017-09-14
13 catches peterbone2015-05-27
5 catches Austin2016-06-13
4 catches CameronFord2014-08-15
3 catches Rob van Heijst2013-03-06

Latest records

RecordWho byDate
52 catches Brook Roberts2017-09-14Seems like I almost have this trick now
41 catches Brook Roberts2017-02-27
35 catches Brook Roberts2016-11-21Watch video
35 catches Brook Roberts2016-10-26
5 catches Austin2016-06-13Very close to six, dropped the last two in the excitement of the moment.
4 catches Austin2016-06-10Training this 10 minutes every day now.
3 catches Austin2016-05-21This time, 7/8 times in 15 minutes, three nice and clean, all handles.
3 catches Austin2016-03-19
2 catches Austin2016-01-26
13 catches peterbone2015-05-27
25 catches Brook Roberts2015-04-15
15 catches Brook Roberts2015-02-16Finally
10 catches Brook Roberts2014-12-02To and from pattern
4 catches CameronFord2014-08-15
250 catches christhejuggler2013-10-05
150 catches christhejuggler2013-08-12
6 catches Brook Roberts2013-07-03
120 catches christhejuggler2013-06-30
3 catches Rob van Heijst2013-03-06
12 catches peterbone2012-11-03
11 catches peterbone2012-11-01
10 catches peterbone2012-10-12